воскресенье, 29 сентября 2013 г.

OKKP - Activating Component/Control Indicators

The controlling areais an organizational unit in Accounting used to subdivide the business organization from a cost accounting standpoint.

Activating Component/Control Indicators

IMG  -> Controlling -> Controlling General  -> Organization -> Maintain Controlling Area

Components are activated and defined within the controlling area through a fiscal year assignment.

Fiscal Year
The fiscal year when the activation settings become valid. Realize that the To field will automatically fill with the year 9999. If you decide that
you need to adjust this ending field, the approach is to come back into this screen and using the change process, enter in the ending year in the From field. Once that occurs, the To field will again be filled in with 9999. So you will have created a sequential change in the parameters of your controlling area. This approach is similar to making the changes needed for a cost center or other costing objects.
Cost Centers (Activate Components section)
Cost Center Accounting (CCA) will be inactive until this field parameter is changed. The possible entries from the drop-down list are as follows:
0  Component not active.
1  Component  active.
2  Component active for validations - CCA is not activated, but you can use cost centers as account assignment objects. The cost center is validated/checked  against the master data table. CO is not updated. Utilize this setting if you do not want CCA active today but may want to activate it with the same cost center master data at some point in the future. You can then subsequently post all the cost center data to the CO files. Cost centers must be created in full.
3  Component active for existence validations - CCA is not activated, but you can use cost centers as account assignment objects. The main difference is that  cost centers do not have to be completed in full.
AA: Activity Type
If you check this box, the activity types will be available for posting against primary cost elements.
Order Management
Internal Order Accounting will be unavailable until you change the initial entry in this field. Here are the other options for this field:
Internal Order Accounting component is not active.
Internal Order Accounting is fully activated.
Internal Order Accounting is not activated, but you can use orders as account assignment objects.
The order is then validated/checked against the master data, including whether the order has been released for postings. CO is not updated. Utilize this setting if you do not want internal orders active today but may want to activate them at some point in the future. You can then subsequently post all the internal order data to the CO files.
 Internal Order Accounting is not activated, but you can use internal orders as account assignment objects.
The system doesn’t check internal orders to see whether postings can occur; it only checks to see if they exist
Use this field to define whether and how Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) is activated. SAP provides two types of CO-PA: account-based and costing-based. Of the two, costing-based is more flexible and therefore more popular. Originally, only costing-based CO-PA existed. However, many accountants thought that it is important to easily tie to the G/L, so SAP developed account-based CO-PA. Leave this field as the default for CO-PA will validate that CO-PA should not be activated. The options from the drop-down list are as follows:
0  Component is not active.
1  Component for only costing-based CO-PA is activated.
2  Component for only account-based CO-PA is activated.
3  Components for both account- and costing-based CO-PA is activated
Acty-Based Costing (ABC)
With this field, you can choose whether activity based costing should be activated within your system. There are two other options for this field:
Component Active for Parallel Calculations. ABC is activated with restrictions. Allocations are posted as statistical entries on the cost object. The real posting would go to another CO object, like a cost center.
Component Active for Parallel and Integrated Calculations. ABC is activated without restrictions. All postings to ABC Accounting are posted as real postings to the appropriate ABC object. Other costing objects received the statistical postings.
Profit Center Accounting (PCA)
Select this field if you want PCA to be activated
If you are utilizing Project System, this setting becomes important. Project System integrates with CO through work breakdown structure (WBS) elements and networks. If you activate Projects in the controlling area, you can use WBS elements and networks as real account assignment
objects and CO data is recorded. If this field is not activated, project data within CO is not updated. Note that even though you don’t select this parameter, master data for additional account assignments to a WBS element will be validated within the system.
Sales Orders
If you are utilizing make-to-order production, this setting becomes important. If you are not, leave this blank. If it’s activated, all revenues and costs
will post to the sales order item. Therefore the system will create a costing object for the sales order and CO will be able to track the revenue and costs assigned to the sales order number. Also, production orders, networks, and other objects settle to a sales order item. In this case the account assignment category plays a very important role.
Sales Orders (and W. Commit. Mgt)
This controls whether commitments are updated to the sales orders.
Real Estate Mgmt
This will define if Real Estate Mgmt is another cost object that can be posted to for actual data. This will allow postings such as financial accounting, cost center assessments, CO transfer postings, and other account assignments to a real estate object in CO.
All Currencies (Other Indicators section)
This setting will often default from your controlling area definition. If it’s activated, the system will update CO values in the transaction currency and the object currency. If it’s inactive, only the controlling area currency is used to update CO values. Be very careful with this indicator. If you decide to deactivate it, you can’t reactivate it until the next fiscal year and in the current year all of the CO postings will not be available in multiple currencies. Also, if you do change this indicator, please check any additional information and requirements with SAP information.
Activate this if you want SAP to calculate and post as a line item variances from each primary cost posting. Variances occur when the actual costs are less than or greater than planned costs. Actual and planned cost variances result when the actual price of the resource is less than or greater than the planned price
CoCd Validation
This setting will automatically activate if cross-company-code cost accounting is activated in the controlling area definition. If active, the setting will ensure that both sides of an accounting or purchasing transaction generate from a cost center in the same company code. And, using the same criteria, it ensures that all inventory activities are posted properly in both company codes. There are additional settings on this screen, and we will discuss these a bit later in the chapter. For now, these are the settings that are critical for the completion of the configuration of the controlling area.

When you’re finished configuring the control indicators, save your settings. You will notice that SAP has filled 9999 in the “To” field of the fiscal year range. The settings are valid until year 9999 or until you make an entry for a new fiscal year. If you want to make a change to any of the settings for the next fiscal year, create a new entry in the Control Indicators table. By entering a new fiscal year in the table, you ensure that the validity date for the prior entry becomes the last fiscal year before the new entry.

суббота, 28 сентября 2013 г.

OX06 - Maintain Controlling Area

The controlling areais an organizational unit in Accounting used to subdivide the business organization from a cost accounting standpoint.

Maintain Controlling Area

IMG  -> Enterprise Structure ->Definition -> Controlling -> Maintain Controlling Area -> Maintain Controlling Area

Controlling Area 
The four-digit alphanumeric identifier of your controlling area. If your controlling area will contain just one company code, select the option for the controlling area, which is a one-to-one relationship to the company code. When prompted, enter the company code ID. Realize that if you indicate that there is more than one company code to a controlling area, then assigning only one will not cause any system issues. However, if you do indicate that there is a one-to-one relationship between the CO area and company code, then going back and having to change this setting will be difficult. Therefore, it would be better if you just confirm that it will be a one-to-many relationship so that if you need it, it will be available for your use.
The description of your controlling area.
Person Responsible 
The name of the person responsible for this configuration.
CoCd->CO Area  
This field is used to define the relationship between the company code and the controlling area. You will have identified this relationship when you determined the controlling area ID. The options for this field are as follows:
·         Controlling Area Same as Company Code  Use this if you have a one-to-one relationship between company code and controlling area.
·         Cross-Company Cost Accounting  Use this if your controlling area will have two or more company codes assigned to it. This setting will activate cross-company cost accounting within the controlling area.
Currency Type  
This setting defines the type of currency used throughout the controlling area. Currency settings can be confusing. Remember that the combination of the Assignment Control selection and the currency type define the controlling area currency, and depending on the settings defined, then the Other Company Code Currency Indicator is activated. If you selected 1 in the CoCd->CO Area field, ECC uses the default setting of 10, Company Code Currency. If you selected 2, or Cross-Company Cost Accounting, your choices expand. Use the pull-down menu and the following options will appear:
·          10 (Company Code Currency)   Use this only if all the company codes assigned use the same currency.
·          20 (Controlling Area Currency)  This selection offers the use of a possible group currency for the controlling area. It allows the controlling area to identify a specific currency for only that controlling area. All other selections impose artificial constraints.
·          30 (Group Currency)  This is currency maintained at the client level. Use this option to reconcile FI and CO ledgers.
·          40 (Hard Currency)  This can be used if the assigned company codes are from the same country and use the same index-based or group currency. This option is often used in countries where inflation is very high.
·          50 (Index-Based Currency)  This is often used in countries where inflation is high or unstable. The currency is fabricated and is used to support external (outside the company) reporting only.
·          60 (Global Company)  Use this only if you have global companies configured. In addition, each of the companies assigned to the controlling area must belong to the same Global Company or use the same currency.
The entry made for currency type may influence your selection of a currency. Remember that you are defining the default currency for the controlling area only.
Diff. CCode Currency  
This is used if the company code currency is going to be different than the currency currently assigned to the company code.
Curr/Val. Prof.  
With this indicator, the currency and valuation profile determines which valuation views can be stored in which currencies. You will need to assign a currency and valuation profile to the controlling area only if you are looking to store multiple valuation views in the system.
This indicator shows whether a controlling area allows transfer prices for a company code or profit centers
Chart of Accts (COA) 
Each controlling area can utilize only one chart of accounts. If you selected 1 in the CoCd->CO Area field, the system populates this field automatically with the company chart. If not, you must manually enter the chart name. Remember that all company codes assigned to the controlling area must use the same chart the controlling area uses
Fiscal Year Variant  
The variant must be the same for the assigned company codes and the controlling area. The previous options are the required parameters between the company code and controlling area. Basically these are the required indicators or parameters to allow a company code to be linked to a controlling area.
Setting for Authorization Hierarchies for Cost Centers (and Profit Centers) 
Since the initial introduction of the new authorization concept after release 4.0, you can inherit authorizations within a hierarchy. If a user is authorized for one of these groups, then they are also authorized for all objects in these groups. This logic applies only to the standard hierarchy, but now you can also have these settings apply to two additional alternative hierarchies that are used in the authorization check process. These indicators also allow you to deactivate the standard hierarchy and use the alternative hierarchies. This applies to both the cost center and profit center hierarchies. Authorizations are checked in the sequence starting with the current calendar year and the valid hierarchies—standard hierarchy, then alternative hierarchy 1, then 2.

вторник, 17 сентября 2013 г.

Automatic cost element creation

Primary cost elements can be created either manually or through an automatic batch run. The automatic approach is recommended when you’re first creating your cost elements because it is the quickest solution. The first of three  steps in the progress is the define the relationship between the account range and category. The seconds steps is creation of a batch  input section, and third is the executing the session.

Define default settings

IMG  -> Controlling  -> Cost Element Accounting  -> Master Data  -> Cost Elements  -> Automatic Creation of Primary and Secondary Cost Elements  -> Make Default Settings

Here we give the cost elements individually or as an interval with the corresponding cost element category in the default setting. The cost elements are created by a batch input session using this default setting.
These defaults are used for automatic generation of primary and secondary cost elements.

Create Batch Input Session

IMG  -> Controlling  -> Cost Element Accounting  -> Master Data  -> Cost Elements  -> Automatic Creation of Primary and Secondary Cost Elements  -> Create Batch Input Session

Here we generate a batch input session for each controlling area in order to create cost elements.
The SAP System determines the chart of accounts to be processed (including the cost elements to be created) according to the company code and chart of accounts to which the controlling area is assigned.

Execute Batch Input Session

IMG  -> Controlling  -> Cost Element Accounting  -> Master Data  -> Cost Elements  -> Automatic Creation of Primary and Secondary Cost Elements  -> Execute Batch Input Session

Here we execute a batch input session and thereby generate cost elements.

воскресенье, 15 сентября 2013 г.

CK40N - Edit Costing Run

Costing run is basically a single transaction code which covers both CK11N (Create cost estimate) and CK24 (Mark and release cost estimate). Further it has the benefit that you can do a mass costing (more than one material) at the same time and more than one plant at the same time. Thus you should always use costing run even to cost a single material code, because when you mark and release it marks and release even for all the lower level material codes which have BOM and recipe.

CK44 Delete Costing run

The administrative data for the costing run (name, description, selection and structure explosion) is deleted. The material cost estimates themselves are not deleted. You have to delete them in a second step (delete test data) CKR1.

пятница, 6 сентября 2013 г.

CK24 - Release Price Update

Once you have carried out a cost estimate for a material, you can transfer the costing results to the material master as prices. To set a new standard price in the material master, you must mark and release the standard cost estimate. Before you can mark and release a standard cost estimate, you must allow standard cost estimates to be marked and released in a company code.
If you release a standard cost estimate for a material, the marked price is transferred into the material master record as the current standard price for the current period. This price is then active for external accounting. The materials with "S" price control are valuated with the new standard price. The current standard price becomes the previous standard price. Simultaneously periodic unit price is used in single-level and multilevel material price determination to valuate the materials for the closed period.
Once you have released the cost estimate, you cannot create a new standard cost estimate in this period. Although you can delete a released cost estimate, the materials are still valuated with the released standard price. When a current standard cost estimate is deleted, the previous standard price no longer becomes the current standard price. To determine a new standard price, you have to carry out costing, marking and releasing afresh.

CK24 - Mark Future Price

Once you have carried out a cost estimate for a material without any errors, you can transfer the costing results to the material master as prices. To set a new standard price in the material master, you must mark and release the standard cost estimate. Before you can mark and release a standard cost estimate, you must allow standard cost estimates to be marked and released in a company code. If you mark a standard cost estimate for a material, the price calculated in the standard cost estimate is transferred into the material master record as the future standard priceYou can repeat the marking at any time. However, this can only be done once in a period.

CK11N Create Material cost estimate

You prepare the material cost estimate with quantity structure, on basis of data provided by Production Planning module. The cost estimate is a tool for planning non order-related costs and establishing prices for materials. It is used to calculate the cost of good manufactured and cost of good sold for each product unit.

CO88 – Settlement product cost collector collective

During Product Cost Collectors settlement, either WIP (at target cost) or Variance or both are posted. Through the production process, Product Cost Collectors are debited with actual costs. The actual costs posted to a product cost collector can be more or less than the value with which a product cost collector was credited when the goods receipt was posted. When you settle, this difference between the debit and credit of the product cost collector is transferred to Financial Accounting (FI). Settlement also feeds data from Cost Object Controlling to other components.
The following can happen during the settlement process:
·         The order balance can be reduced to zero by transferring to Financial Accounting (FI) the difference between the preliminary inventory valuation (goods receipt) and the actual costs incurred. The price difference can also be transferred to Profit Center Accounting (EC-PCA).
·         The total variance can be transferred to profitability segments in Profitability Analysis (CO-PA). This enables you to see an additional contribution margin in CO-PA. You can transfer the individual variance categories of the total variance to value fields in CO-PA in combination with certain cost elements or cost element groups.